16th Sep2011

Case Study: Ani DeFranco

by Mrs. Gunn

Ani DeFranco started her own record label at the age of 18, pressing her own CDs and selling them at her shows. She now runs a very profitable company and uses her success and fame to help grass roots charity work throughout the nation.

Ani DeFranco’s website, Righteous Babe Records. Notice the call to action, the street team, and the care to which the merchandise was created.

A nice article about the history of Righteous Babe Records:



Her music:



There was one show where she ranted about  piracy and how it’s affected independent artists. She wasn’t against downloading, or sharing music, but against companies making money off of such downloading with no royalties going to the artist. If I can find the rant I’ll post.

And non related but wanted to post – another rant –

Coutney Love’s Rant on the music industry





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