05th Sep2011

How to Make it in Music: a New Business Model

by Mrs. Gunn

Well, with the success of Nataly Dawn’s Kickstarter, a new business model for independent musicians has been born. Not all musicians are this successful, mind you, but the concept is still kind of the same:

1. Have a good product (sing well, play well, good music is good music, etc. etc. etc.)

2. Record your self on video live, either in your living room or at a performance OnCe a WeEk! Yes, it’s the discipline of once a week that’s hard. Create covers of game songs, popular songs, old songs, and good songs with a spattering of originals.

3. Play live. For free or pay.

4. Have a collecting place for fans – whether it be your webpage, or twitter, or facebook, YouTube, or whatever, have some place to announce from the stage, so that people can follow/subscribe to you.

5. Once you get 20,000 fans, make a CD, tour, etc. etc. Keep it honest and keep everything in house.

Got thoughts?Leave comments below. Coming soon – the 1 year “Make it in Music” challenge!


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